Leicester - Willow Park
Wigston : LE18 1BA
The Leicester Evening Mail of February 8th 1951 announced that Magna Wheelers would be organising fortnightly race meetings at Willow Park on Tuesday evenings, the Wigston Urban Council would charge the club 7/6d for each use of the track. The use of Willow Park was prompted by the recent ban on cycle racing at Abbey Park.

The evening race meetings drew a crowd of around 1,000, but it seems that Magna Wheelers could not charge spectators or even take a collection. The club requested permission to have a voluntary collection.

At the August 12th 1952 track meet, only eight riders turned up because of Wednesday evening track racing taking place at Saffron Lane in Leicester. This was the death knoll for Willow Park and no more racing took place there.

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